Lunch Club
Wednesday 11-3pm @ north berwick commuity centre/Lodge Pavillion
Lunch Club is designed for people to cook together, eat together and to learn healthy new recipes. Isolation is often linked to poor mental health. Lunch club is a sociable safe environment where we eat at a table together. Enjoy good company, fun and laughter at this informal lunch.
Mealtimes which are shared, provide a sense of rhythm and regularity in our lives. They can evoke deep feelings of contentment and security. Mealtimes offer people the opportunity to stop, to stand still psychologically, to reflect on their day and days ahead, and to listen to and interact with others. Mealtimes are also a grounding opportunity, a time when anxieties can be expressed and you can be listened to.
There are many psychological, social and biological benefits of eating meals with other people. Sharing mealtimes is good for your mental health.